Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Nothing Like Weight Loss to Keep Ya Motivated!

I've lost a total of 21 pounds since my diagnoses of diabetes about a month ago!  During the 7 day cleanse (which I cheated on) I lost 8 pounds!  I'm two days past the cleanse and still eating cautiously, because I do NOT want to get on the scales and have gained!  I also have not been on the scales in two days.

Basically, I've been low carb, but also watching calories.  My carbs have been 40-50 grams both days.  My calories are way down--just like the cleanse.  I find it strange that I can eat so little calories and not be hungry.  Trust me if I were hungry, I'd eat!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Eureka! I've had two days where I had readings BELOW the recommended blood sugar reading.  Of course I've mostly eaten fruits and veggies (today had a little chicken breast), and my total calories for the day was about 400.   And I'm not starving.  I've been semi doing the cabbage soup diet/cleanse.  The first I totally bombed.  I didn't make it through a luncheon.  Circumstances were just too tough.  I won't bore you with details!

Yesterday and today I did fine.  Today I even had to watch my coworkers eat Little Caesar's Pizza and Crazy Bread (Crazy Bread is one of my faves).  On top of that, my coworker bought chicken to take home to her family, which I had to smell for 1 1/2 hour trip home!  I also bought a rotisserie chicken for my day when I can have it.  Well, I couldn't wait, I had a little today while it was fresh--and it was DELICIOUS!  Oh well, still much, much more healthy than previous weeks.

However, I can't seem to get the walking and eating together.  Two days I've been doing well with food and forgot to walk.  Of course, that was combined with rain and SNOW today.  Yes, SNOW.  Still snowing right now and sticking.

I've been trying to incorporate three new habits this month simultaneously and I'm struggling...it's like juggling!  Eating healthy, walking, and reading Bible daily.  Perhaps, it's too much at once, but I want to do all three, so I'll keep trying.

Rejoicing today in eating victories.  Now, I think I'll go read my Bible.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Sugar, Sugar

The number one song when I was born was "Sugar, Sugar" by The Archies.  I have loved sugar and everything sweet for as long as I can remember!  Growing up I remember my favorite breakfast before going to school was 4 small powder donuts and a cup of hot chocolate.  Yum!  Then, my father made me start eating a bowl of cereal to go with it making it a much healthier breakfast...NOT!

Fast forward to my first pregnancy--I drank white grape juice 24-7.  I kept it by my bed--it takes good even at room temp unlike water.  I ended up with gestational diabetes.  I think it was a bad sign that I actually not only endured the sugary syrup for the test...I loved it and wanted more!  My second pregnancy I was eating intuitively (eating only when hungry and stopping when full--what a concept!) and did not get gestational diabetes.  The doctors made me do the sugar test twice because they could not believe it.  I had a doctor tell me once that I WOULD get Type 2 Diabetes if I did not die of something first.  Basically, he said if I returned to the weight I was at when I got gestational diabetes, then I would get Type 2.  At the time, I was far from that weight and did not think much of it.  Then, stressful events like my father's pancreatic cancer (gained 40 lbs) took me right up to that point.  I have been at and around that weight for years without high sugar.  Until recently.

A month ago, I went to the doctor because my foot was hurting and swelling up at night where I had surgery for a broken foot.  My blood pressure was up that day, so I was sent home to monitor my blood pressure.  The next week I was put on HBP medicine and had fasting blood tests.  My fasting sugar was 155.  So, I had to come back and do the A1C, which came back 8.5.  Above 6.5 is considered diabetes.  The first time I took my blood sugar reading, it was 299 and I thought I had had a good day of eating healthy.  I was immediately scared to eat anything...and lost 12 lbs quickly.

Unfortunately, I have gotten over my fear and am struggling.  It is my goal to maintain my blood sugar with diet only.  It sound far-fetched and ridiculous for someone who loves sugar like I do.  I also hate it, because I know it is an addiction.  There are many addictions in my family and I am so against addiction that I hate pills and anything that threatens to control me.  There is no other choice for me than to completely change the way I eat.

In my research, I have come up with three avenues of change that are reportedly methods to control diabetes with diet.  1. Vegan  2. Low Carb and 3. Paleo   I am still considering all three at the moment, but my first plan of action is to do the seven day cabbage soup "cleanse" (my friend insists it is a cleanse instead of diet that it has been called for years).  Because it is basically very "Paleo", I am willing to start with it.  The instructions say do not do for more than 7 days without a break...I say "Why?"  Because like I said, it is basically Paleo/whole foods.

Tomorrow is the beginning of a new era.  I have said this so many times, but this time I have no choice.  I am only 44 yrs old and I have two children depending on me to be healthy and be around for a long time.